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move_uploaded file:failed to open stream: Permission denied in /srv/http/upload.php

I am trying to run a server on ArchLinux, I have apache and PHP running normally, but i can't upload a file with PHP. I have seen many questions of this sort on Stackoverflow and I seem to have used all the suggestions I found, but I still get a

failed to open stream: Permission denied in /srv/http/upload.php 


To be precise

Warning:  move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpZvJK1l' to '/home/administrator/SCRIPTS/tr/solution.cpp' in /srv/http/upload.php on line 20

I set the permissions for /tmp/, /home/administrator/SCRIPTS/tr and /srv/http to 777 (I know thats not right, but I am working locally right now and I want to get it working somehow).

Also I set all the owner of these directories to http (that is the user running PHP), but the thing still doesnt work.

Some PHP configurations do not allow file access outside the users docroot directory, so you may not have access to /tmp from within PHP. Try uploading your file(s) to a temp directory within your /home/administrator directory - preferably to a directory that isn't accessible to web browsers (a sibling directory to your docroot).

give permission to the /tmp dir :

sudo chmod 777 /tmp

As an Arch user I have the same issue when I work on web projects.

I'll recommend you to see this part of the Arch Wiki

User directories are available by default through http://localhost/~yourusername/ and show the contents of ~/public_html (this can be changed in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-userdir.conf).

So do to so you have to create the ~/public_html directory then

You must make sure that your home directory permissions are set properly so that Apache can get there. Your home directory and ~/public_html must be executable for others ("rest of the world"):

$ chmod o+x ~
$ chmod o+x ~/public_html
$ chmod -R o+r ~/public_html

After that you don't need to put your file under /srv/http/ you can now use ~/public_html as development directory.

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