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iText 7 borderless table (no border)

This code below does not work.

Table table = new Table(2); 

I am new to iText 7 and all I wanted is to have my table borderless. Like how to do it?

The table itself is by default not responsible for borders in iText7, the cells are. You need to set every cell to be borderless if you want a borderless table (or set the outer cells to have no border on the edge if you still want inside borders).

Cell cell = new Cell();
cell.add("contents go here");

You could write a method which runs though all children of a Table and sets NO_BORDER.

private static void RemoveBorder(Table table)
    for (IElement iElement : table.getChildren()) {

This gives you the advantage that you can still use


instead of changing it on all cells manual.

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