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VBA Count words in a Microsoft Word document by Color

Would it be possible to count color word inside a Word documents. Let say there are two color word in my document. I need to count word which the color is Blue and I need to count word which the color is Red.

I only found "Count words in a Microsoft Word document by Fonts"

using below script:

Sub CountTypeface() Dim lngWord As Long Dim lngCountIt As Long Const Typeface As String = "Cambria"

For lngWord = 1 To ActiveDocument.Words.Count
    'Ignore any document "Words" that aren't real words (CR, LF etc)
    If Len(Trim(ActiveDocument.Words(lngWord))) > 1 Then
        If ActiveDocument.Words(lngWord).Font.Name = Typeface Then
            lngCountIt = lngCountIt + 1
        End If
    End If
Next lngWord

MsgBox "Number of " & Typeface & " words: " & lngCountIt

End Sub

Please advice.

Thank you.

Try with this:

Option Explicit

Sub CountTypeface()
    Dim lngWord As Long
    Dim lngCountIt As Long
    Const ColorIndex As Long = 6

    For lngWord = 1 To ActiveDocument.Words.Count
        If Len(Trim(ActiveDocument.Words(lngWord))) > 1 Then
            Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Words(lngWord).Font.ColorIndex
            If ActiveDocument.Words(lngWord).Font.ColorIndex = ColorIndex Then
                lngCountIt = lngCountIt + 1
            End If
        End If
    Next lngWord

    MsgBox "Number of colored words: " & lngCountIt
End Sub

6 is for red. If you put a small text in Word and you color a few words, it would print them their colors in the immediate window, before giving you the messagebox. Thus, you would learn the number of the colors.

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