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AngleSharp Parsing [UWP]

My HTML Code Is

    <td colspan="8" class="text"> 
      <td class="text">
          <b> 1 GB</b>
      <td class="text">
          <b> 1.8 GB</b>

Now i want to get the data inside td tag having class="text".

In python i would have done this:

historySoup = BeautifulSoup(html)
table = historySoup.find('td', attrs={
    "colspan": "8",
    "class": "text"
tds = table.findAll('td')

But I'm stuck with AngelSharp.I tried this :

   var parser = new HtmlParser();              
             var document = parser.Parse(myhtml);            
             var blueListItemsCssSelector = document.QuerySelectorAll("td[colspan = '3']");
              foreach (var item in blueListItemsCssSelector)
                var x = item.Text();


But I am just getting total as text in x and then the loop ends.Any idea how access the inner td tags of tr and store their text in a list or array?Also it takes time parsing any other method which is faster because my html contains more than 200 td tags

Hey you were doing it right ! In your C# code just add this

List<string> dataList = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in blueListItemsCssSelector)

                var x = item.NextElementSibling;
                var y = x.NextElementSibling;


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