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Silex render form - ChoiceType

(and sorry for my English)

I am working on a Silex project and I start using the form.

Without form, i have something like this : choicesType的图像

And using the form I would like to have the same thing ( for the select )

End with the form i have this :


As you can see the rendering is not great.

I would like to get a few things like:

<option value="1">Méthode</option>
 <option value="2">Marketing</option>
 <option value="3">Production</option>

At the code level, I have something very simple ( I start on the forms, be indulgent haha) : Controller :

public function add(Application $app, Request $request) {
        if (! $app['security.authorization_checker']->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
            return new Response('Access Denied!', 403);
        $repo = new DepartementRepository($app);
        $departements = $repo->getAllDepartements();

        $data = [];
        $erreurs = [];
        $form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder(FormType::class, $data)
        ->add('nom',null,array('label' => 'Nom :'))
        ->add('prenom',null,array('label' => 'Prenom :'))
        ->add('departement_id',ChoiceType::class,array('choices' => $departements,'label' => 'Departement :'))
        ->add('ville',null,array('label' => 'Ville :'))
        ->add('salaire',null,array('label' => 'Salaire :'))
        ->add('date_embauche',null,array('label' => 'Date d\'embauche :'))


        if ($form->isValid())
            $data = $form->getData();
        return $app['twig']->render('employe/new.html.twig', array('form' => $form->createView(),'erreurs'=> $erreurs));

if i dump my $departements variable, i have this :

array:4 [▼
  0 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => "2"
    "nom_dep" => "Marketing"
  1 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => "3"
    "nom_dep" => "Méthode"
  2 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => "1"
    "nom_dep" => "Production"
  3 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => "4"
    "nom_dep" => "Recherche et developpement"

And my view :

<form action="#" method="post">
     {{ form_widget(form) }}
     <input type="submit" name="submit" />

Before I did that:

{% for departement in departements %}
           <option value="{{ departement.id }}"
           {% if donnees.departement_id is defined and departement.id == donnees.departement_id %}selected{% endif %}>
                   {{ departement.nom_dep }}
{% endfor %}

But I do not know how to do this with the form.

Any help is welcome. Thanks !!

ChoiceType takes an array as parameter:

Array style (like your current repo)

 $departements = $repo->getAllDepartements();
 $departementChoices = [];
 foreach( $departements as $departement) {
   $departementChoices[$departement["id"]] = $departement["nom_dep"]

Object style

 $departements = $repo->getAllDepartements();
 $departementChoices = [];
 foreach( $departements as $departement) {
   $departementChoices[$departement->getId()] = $departement->getLabel()

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