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How to I send an Id After creating a new record Django?

Good evening I'm doing an application with django and I need that after creating a record I address with HttpresponseRedirect taking the id of this new record to a new view and a different template.


urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', beneficiario, name='beneficiario'),
    url(r'^beneficiario_create/(?P<id>\d+)/$', beneficiario_create,    name='beneficiario_create'),    


def datosBasicos(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        beneficiario = Beneficiario()
        beneficiario.numeroDocumento = request.POST['numeroDocumento']
        beneficiario.nombreUno = request.POST['nombreUno']
        ben = Beneficiario.objects.get(id=beneficiario.id)
        messages.success(request, validator.getMessage())
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/beneficiario/beneficiario_create/%d/'%ben.id)
    return render(request,'datosBasicos.html', informacion)

def beneficiario_create(request, id):
    beneficiario = Beneficiario.objects.get(id = id)
    return render(request,'beneficiario_create.html')

You don't have to (and shouldn't really) use a raw URL in HttpResponseRedirect , you can you use reverse() which allows you to include URL kwargs. For example:

return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('beneficiario_create', kwargs={'id': ben.id))

To combine the reverse with the HttpResponseRedirect , you can use the django shortcut method redirect like this:

from django.shortcuts import redirect
return redirect('beneficiario_create', id=ben.id)

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