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Emacs Helm: what actions can I do in a helm buffer?

I have 2 questions:

  • In a helm buffer like helm mini or helm ag , there are usually too much candidates. In evil mode I can use Cd or Cu to scroll down or up. Can I do such things in helm buffer?

  • Sometimes when I enter a file path/name, there is only a default one in the buffer but not the one I entered. Whenever I hit enter the default path/file will be visit. What actions can I do in the input bar (where you input characters)?

Would you please provide the document describing these kind of keymaps? I can't find them because I don't what's my question :(

If you are using spacemacs, try Mx describe-keymap helm-map , it's bound to SPC hd K .

Sadly emacs itself doesn't have such a nice describe-keymap function. In this case you may either:

  • copy describe-keymap from spacemacs
  • use describe-bindings (it's not so smooth to read and misses some keymaps)
  • Ch v helm-map to browse the keymap as a variable (hard to read because the keys are in the form of something like unicode code points, but if you config all your key bindings yourself without framework-defaults, this is fine for "what's my bindings?" and debugging)

You can use describe-bindings or helm-descbinds to find the currently active bindings. The latter allows you to interactively search them through helm.

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