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tables available in Spark-SQL CLI are not available over thriftserver

I'm trying to expose my spark-sql tables over JDBC via thriftserver but even though it looks like i've successfully connected, its not working. Here's what I've tried so far.

database setup:

  • in pyspark I loaded a parquet file, created a temp view as tableX
  • performed a .saveAsTable as hive_tableX
  • then I queried that table: spark.sql("SELECT * FROM hive_tableX LIMIT 1").show() which returned some data
  • at this point, my code is saving table information to the hivestore, right?

querying from spark-sql:

  • I then ran spark-sql and the spark sql shell started up
  • USE default
  • show tables; --> i see my table in there, hive_tableX
  • SELECT * FROM hive_tableX LIMIT 1 and I see some successful results.
  • thus, I believe it is now verified that my table has saved in the hive metastore, right?

then I turn on thriftserver

  • ./sbin/start-thriftserver.sh

next, I turn on beeline so I can test the thriftserver connection

  • !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 (and enter username and password)
  • then I select the default db: use default;
  • and show tables; --> there's nothing there.

So, where are my tables? is beeline or thrift pointing to a different warehouse or something?

Edit: I think my thriftserver isn't using the right warehouse directory, so I'm trying to start it with a config option:

  • [still nothing] sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --hiveconf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=/code/spark/thrift/spark-warehouse
  • [still nothing] sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=/code/spark/thrift/spark-warehouse

Edit: starting it in the same physical directory as where the wherehouse was created seems to do the trick. Although, I don't know how to programmatically set the path to something else and start it elsewhere.

the solution to this particular problem was that I was starting thrift from a different directory than the spark-wherehouse and metastore_db were located.

Once I started it from the correct directory, it worked as expected and my tables were now available.

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