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How do I get related model from collection in Laravel 5.2?

I have a method returning all job post data. This is what I have tried:

public function show($id)
    $applicantData = Applicant::whereId($id)->first();
    $jobData = Job::all();
    return view('applicant.confirmation',compact("applicantData","jobData"));

dd($jobData); returns :


dd($jobData->job_title); it returns an error:

ErrorException in ApplicantController.php line 150: Undefined property: Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection::$job_title

How can I get the $jobData->job_title value?

You should iterate collections using the each method in Laravel:

$jobData->each(function ($item, $key) {

You have to loop through $jobData since it will return all rows. Something like:

$jobData = Job::all();
foreach ($jobData as $job) {
    echo $job->job_title;

They are object in arrays so you can directly pickout the value. If you need first item then $jobData[0]->job_title or $jobData->first()->job_title or you can loop foreach($jobData as $data){$data->job_title}

$jobData is a collection so you cannot directly access job_title like $jobData->job_title . I figure you want to access them in your view file. hence do following

@foreach($jobData as $job)
    {{ $job->job_title }}
public function show($id)
    $applicantData = Applicant::whereId($id)->first();
    $jobData = Job::find($applicantData->job_id); //this will give you the job
    return view('applicant.confirmation',compact("applicantData","jobData"));

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