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FIWARE - PEP Proxy configured to HTTPS

I would like to know how I configure the PEP Proxy so that I can exchange messages through HTTPS. I have an instance of Orion context broker that is accessed only after pass by the PEP Proxy. My PEP Proxy (Wilma) configuration file (config.js) has the following:

config.https = {
   enabled: true,
   cert_file: 'cert/idm.crt',
   key_file: 'cert/idm.key',
   port: 443

config.account_host = 'https://localhost:8000';   //account.lab.fiware.org';
config.keystone_host = 'localhost'; //'cloud.lab.fiware.org';
config.keystone_port = 5000; //4731;

config.app_host = 'https://orion'; //'localhost';
config.app_port = ''; //Nginx is configured to redirect to port 1026
// Use true if the app server listens in https
config.app_ssl = true;

config.username = 'pep_proxy_credential_obtained_at_portal';
config.password = 'password_obtained_at_portal';

I have also HTTPS to HTTP (Nginx configured as reverse proxy) so that my requests directly sent to Orion are secure. The HTTPS is working only without PEP Proxy flow. When I insert the authorization/authentication flow, I am facing problems, because the PEP Proxy does not handle with the SSL certificate. Here is the Nginx configuration:

location / {
    proxy_set_header        Host $host;
    proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    # Fix the “It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken" error.
    proxy_pass          http://orion:1026;
    proxy_read_timeout  90;
    proxy_redirect      http://orion:1026 https://orion;

I want to integrate what I have in a way I can communicate with Orion only by HTTPS, including the PEP Proxy flow. I've searched but I did not find nothing useful related to HTTPS configuration in PEP Proxy.

EDIT: There is an error when the PEP Proxy redirects to the application:

2017-01-17 20:52:55.544  - INFO: Server - Success authenticating PEP proxy. 
Proxy Auth-token:  d7ec08edd87d43418edfd558df26f427
2017-01-17 20:53:49.450  - INFO: IDM-Client - Checking token with IDM...
2017-01-17 20:53:49.508  - INFO: Root - Access-token OK. Redirecting to app...
Refused to set unsafe header "accept-encoding"
Refused to set unsafe header "content-length"

The error presented by the application is:

('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine('HTTP/1.1 0 unknown\r\n',))

The problem was the https at configuration:

config.app_host = 'https://orion';

I had to debug to find this. The PEP Proxy Wilma adds the protocol (http or https) to the application host configured. The correct is to configure without the protocol:

config.app_host = 'orion';

Maybe this observation can be added to Wilma documentation in order to avoid errors like mine.

You can configure PEP Proxy to listen in HTTPS using the parameter "https" in the config file


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