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convert a data varchar to date month

I have a table with a date column in it, but its data type using a varchar.

Month | 01 02 03

I want to convert that data into a form of month name,I have tried this way, the data is successfully converted into months but always month of january.

foreach($list as $post) {
    $time = strtotime($post->album_periode_bulan);
    $newformat = date('F',$time);
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $no;
    $row[] = $time;
    $data[] = $row;

I have implemented this in datatables

In MySQL you do

UPDATE your_table
SET your_column = DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(your_column, '%m'), '%M');

and that's it. Read more about the format parameters for both functions here .

Note though, newer releases set the sql mode NO_ZERO_IN_DATE by default. You might need to disable this temporarily with

set session sql_mode = "";

Check this before!!! with

show session variables like 'sql_mode';

or you might end with all your rows being NULL .

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