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Unit testing test for Ok Result

I have the following (simplified) controller:

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Profile(UpdateProfileModelAllowNulls modelNullable)
    ServiceResult<ProfileModelDto> result = await _profileService.UpdateProfile(1);

    return Ok(result);         


public async Task<ServiceResult<ProfileModelDto>> UpdateProfile(ApplicationUserDto user, UpdateProfileModel profile)
     //Do something...

and the following NUnit test:

        public async Task Post_Profile()
            var result = _controller.Profile(new UpdateProfileModelAllowNulls() { Email = "testEmail@tt.co.uk", DisplayName = "TestDisplay"}) as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Task<<ProfileModelDto>>;

In my NUnit test, I am trying to check for an Ok result using this tutorial https://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/testing-and-debugging/unit-testing-with-aspnet-web-api .

My problem is that I cannot convert to an OkNegotiatedContentResult , i assume because I am not passing in the correct object, but I cannot see what object I should be passing in. As far as I can see, I am passing in the correct object eg: OkNegotiatedContentResult<Task<<ProfileModelDto>>;

but this does not work.

I have also tried:

var result = _controller.Profile(new UpdateProfileModelAllowNulls() { Email = "testEmail@tt.co.uk", DisplayName = "TestDisplay"}) as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Task<IHttpActionResult>>;

But this does not work either.

Can anyone help?


var result = (_controller.Profile(new UpdateProfileModelAllowNulls() { Email = "testEmail@tt.co.uk", DisplayName = "TestDisplay"}).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) as OkNegotiatedContentResult<ProfileModelDto>;

As stated by @esiprogrammer, the method is async, so I needed to add the awaiter.

I was able to fix it by doing the following:

    var result = _controller.Profile(new UpdateProfileModelAllowNulls() { Email = "testEmail@wwasoc.co.uk", DisplayName = "TestDisplay"});
    var okResult = await result as OkNegotiatedContentResult<ServiceResult<ProfileModelDto>>;

I have accepted @esiprogrammer answer as he answered the question correctly, and also before me

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