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RXJS Wait for all observables in an array to complete (or error)

I'm pushing observables into an array like such...

var tasks$ = [];

I want an Observable that emits when all tasks$ have completed. Keep in mind, in practice, tasks$ doesn't have a known number of Observables.

I've tried Observable.zip(tasks$).subscribe() but this seems to fail in the event that there is only 1 task, and is leading me to believe that ZIP requires an even number of elements in order to work the way I would expect.

I've tried Observable.concat(tasks$).subscribe() but the result of the concat operator just seems to be an array of observables... eg basically the same as the input. You can't even call subscribe on it.

In C# this would be akin to Task.WhenAll() . In ES6 promise it would be akin to Promise.all() .

I've come across a number of SO questions but they all seem to deal with waiting on a known number of streams (eg mapping them together).

If you want to compose an observable that emits when all of the source observables complete, you can use forkJoin :

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/forkJoin';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/first';

var tasks$ = [];
Observable.forkJoin(...tasks$).subscribe(results => { console.log(results); });

You can make usage of zip .

Combines multiple Observables to create an Observable whose values are calculated from the values, in order, of each of its input Observables.

const obsvA = this._service.getObjA();
const obsvB = this._service.getObjB();
// or with array
// const obsvArray = [obsvA, obsvB];

const zip = Observable.zip(obsvA, obsvB);
// or with array
// const zip = Observable.zip(...obsvArray);
  result => console.log(result), // result is an array with the responses [respA, respB]

Things to consider:

  • Doesn't need to be an even number of observables.
  • zip visually
  • 在此处输入图片说明 As said here ,

    The zip operator will subscribe to all inner observables, waiting for each to emit a value. Once this occurs, all values with the corresponding index will be emitted. This will continue until at least one inner observable completes.

  • When one of the observables throws an error (or even both of them), the subscription is closed ( onComplete on complete is called), and with a onError method, you only get the first error.
  • zip.subscribe(
      result => console.log(result), // result is an array with the responses [respA, respB]
      error => console.log(error), // will return the error message of the first observable that throws error and then finish it
      () => console.log ('completed after first error or if first observable finishes)
    // waits for all Observables no matter of success/fails each of them
    // returns array of items
    // each item represent even first value of Observable or it's error
    export function waitAll(args: Observable<any>[]): Observable<any[]> {
      const final = new Subject<any[]>();
      const flags = new Array(args.length);
      const result = new Array(args.length);
      let total = args.length;
      for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        flags[i] = false;
          res => {
            console.info('waitAll ' + i + ' ok ', res);
            if (flags[i] === false) {
              flags[i] = true;
              result[i] = res;
              if (total < 1) {
          error => {
            console.error('waitAll ' + i + ' failed ', error);
            if (flags[i] === false) {
              flags[i] = true;
              result[i] = error;
              if (total < 1) {
      return final.asObservable();

    unit test:

    describe('waitAll', () => {
      it('should wait for all observables', async () => {
        const o1 = new Subject();
        const o2 = new Subject();
        const o3 = new Subject();
        const o = waitAll([o1, o2, o3]);
        const res = {arr: []};
        o.subscribe(result => res.arr = result, err => res.arr = []);
        expect(res.arr).toEqual(['success1', 'failed2', 'success3']);
        expect(res.arr).toEqual(['success1', 'failed2', 'success3']);
        expect(res.arr).toEqual(['success1', 'failed2', 'success3']);
        expect(res.arr).toEqual(['success1', 'failed2', 'success3']);

    For me this sample was best solution.

    const source = Observable.interval(500);
    const example = source.sample(Observable.interval(2000));
    const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log('sample', val));

    So.. only when second (example) emit - you will see last emited value of first (source).

    In my task, I wait form validation and other DOM event.

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