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How add context menu item to Windows Explorer which takes me to some specific location in the same instance of explorer.exe


1: First, launch regedit.exe from the Start menu.

2: Expand the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key.

3: Expand the Directory key.

4: Expand the Background key.

5: Expand the shell key.

6: Right-click the shell key and create a new key. Name the key what you want the option to appear as in the menu. I named it "customcommand".

7: Right-click the key you just created and create a new subkey under it. Name the new key “command.”

8: Double-click the “(Default)” value in the command key and paste this in the value:

C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe /root,C:\Windows

9: Press the OK button.

10: Now if you right-click on desktop or on any other folder, you will see "customcommand" in the context menu. When you click this newly created menu, a new folder view will open and show C:\\Windows. You can change the target path which you saw in 8th step.

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