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Cannot get F# Chiron Json serializer working on Linux

I cannot get Chiron Json serializer working on Elementary OS with VS Code.

On Windows it works as I tested it. On MacOS it works as well if I recall correctly.

Here is the minimal not-working solution:

This is the script file App.fsx :

#load "paket-files/include-scripts/net46/include.chiron.fsx"

open Chiron

printfn "%A" (Object <| Map.ofList [ "foo", String "bar" ] |> Json.format)

This is the paket.dependencies file:

source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
nuget Chiron

Include scripts have to be generated. Either from IDE or by executing mono ./paket/paket.exe generate-include-scripts .

When I run fsharpi App.fsx I get the following error:

/tmp/test/stdin(0,1): error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'FParsecCS.dll' in any of
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Escaping' threw an exception.
  at Chiron+Formatting+formatObject@728-1.Invoke (System.Tuple`2[T1,T2] tupledArg) [0x0000f] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[T,TResult].InvokeFast[V] (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[T,TResult] func, T arg1, TResult arg2) [0x00018] in <566a0818dff9fae1a745038318086a56>:0 
  at Chiron+Formatting+join@667-2[a].Invoke (System.Text.StringBuilder b) [0x00029] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at Chiron+Formatting+join@666-1[a].Invoke (Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[T] values, System.Text.StringBuilder b) [0x00013] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.OptimizedClosures+Invoke@3252[T2,TResult,T1].Invoke (T2 u) [0x00001] in <566a0818dff9fae1a745038318086a56>:0 
  at Chiron+Formatting+formatObject@726-6.Invoke (System.Text.StringBuilder x) [0x00013] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at Chiron+Formatting+formatObject@726-7.Invoke (System.Text.StringBuilder x) [0x00001] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at Chiron+Formatting+formatObject@726-8.Invoke (System.Text.StringBuilder x) [0x00001] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at Chiron+Formatting+Json.format (Chiron+Json json) [0x00013] in <57e2953614a049a0a74503833695e257>:0 
  at <StartupCode$FSI_0001>.$FSI_0001.main@ () [0x00046] in <6e3acc116b9749ea9b5dc27663d21170>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00038] in <8f2c484307284b51944a1a13a14c0266>:0 
Stopped due to error

If you are not on Linux, the error can be reproduced with docker like this:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/tmp/ttt fsharp/fsharp bin/bash


Also referencing the assemblies directly does not work:

#r "packages/Aether/lib/net35/Aether.dll" 
#r "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsecCS.dll"
#r "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsec.dll"
#r "packages/Chiron/lib/net40/Chiron.dll" 

open Chiron

printfn "%A" (Object <| Map.ofList [ "foo", String "bar" ] |> Json.format)

You need to include:

 #r "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsecCS.dll"
 #r "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsec.dll"


You may have run into this issue

Not sure what is missing for you, but using fsharp docker container I was able to run it:

#I "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/"
- #I "packages/Aether/lib/net35/"     
- #I "packages/Chiron/lib/net40/";;

--> Added '/root/packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/' to library include path

--> Added '/root/packages/Aether/lib/net35/' to library include path

--> Added '/root/packages/Chiron/lib/net40/' to library include path

> #r "Chiron.dll";;

--> Referenced '/root/packages/Chiron/lib/net40/Chiron.dll' (file may be locked by F# Interactive process)

> open Chiron
- printfn "%A" (Object <| Map.ofList [ "foo", String "bar" ] |> Json.format);;
Binding session to '/root/packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsecCS.dll'...
Binding session to '/root/packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsec.dll'...

val it : unit = ()

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