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Moq - Method evaluation with nullable parameter throws null exception

I know that I can new up an object and pass it in but I'm trying to match the syntax and patterns since the value is never actually used.


public interface IDemoProvider
    string GetStringById(int? id);

public interface IDemoService
    bool Validate(ServiceRequest request);

public class ServiceRequest
    public string foo { get; set; }
    public int? bar { get; set; }

public class SomeDemoProvider : IDemoProvider
    public virtual string GetStringById(int? id)
        if (id != null)
            return "success";
            return "else";

public class BaseDemoService : IDemoService
    public IDemoProvider Provider { get; set; }

    public virtual bool Validate(ServiceRequest request)
        if (request.bar == null)
            return false;

        return true;

public class SomeDemoService : BaseDemoService
    public SomeDemoService(IDemoProvider provider)
        Provider = provider;

    public virtual string Post(ServiceRequest request)
        if (!Validate(request))
            throw new Exception("Invalid Request");
        return Provider.GetStringById(request.bar);

Test Code:

public class ProgramTests
    public void SomeDemoServiceTest()
        var mockProvider = new Mock<IDemoProvider>();
        mockProvider.Setup(p => p.GetStringById(It.IsAny<int?>())).Returns(() => "success");

        object[] args = { mockProvider.Object };

        var mockService = new Mock<SomeDemoService>(args) {CallBase = true};
        mockService.Setup(s => s.Validate(It.IsAny<ServiceRequest>())).Returns(true);

        string result = mockService.Object.Post(It.IsAny<ServiceRequest>());

        Assert.AreEqual("success", result);


This results in a NullReferenceException which makes sense since it's trying to resolve request.Id while running which is null at the request level.

However, if I replace the parameter with null , it works fine:

return Provider.GetStringById(null);

My question here is whether there's some way to make the interceptor recognize before evaluating the expression that it should just return the value instead of trying to evaluate the expression.

I could mock out the rest of the request object but it seems silly since the values are never used according to the test. The real question here is whether I should be writing the code or the test differently to avoid this scenario or if I'm over complicating an issue with a simple workaround.

You are testing it wrong.

If you are trying to exercise the method under test then this line...

string result = mockService.Object.Post(It.IsAny<ServiceRequest>());

is being used incorrectly. You would use It.IsAny<ServiceRequest>() as part of the setup. In the case of how you are trying to use it, it will result in null in the Validate method

request.bar == null

because the It.IsAny expression is not actually passing anything into the method.

Read up on how to use Moq via the Moq Quickstart to get a better understanding of how to use it when testing.

Rewrite the test as

public void SomeDemoServiceTest() {
    var mockProvider = new Mock<IDemoProvider>();
    mockProvider.Setup(p => p.GetStringById(It.IsAny<int?>())).Returns(() => "success");

    var mockService = new Mock<SomeDemoService>(mockProvider.Object) { CallBase = true };
    mockService.Setup(s => s.Validate(It.IsAny<ServiceRequest>())).Returns(true);

    var request = new ServiceRequest();

    var result = mockService.Object.Post(request);

    Assert.AreEqual("success", result);

And the test should pass.

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