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LINQ Group by on multiple tables with nested group by with join and aggregate

I am having following three Models. I want to join and group them with LINQ in my MVC application to achieve required result data.


var query = from i in db.Invoices
                    join id in db.Invoice_Details
                    on i.INVOICENO equals id.INVOICENO
                    join m in db.Mixings
                    on id.INVOICEDETAILID equals m.INVOICEDETAILID into ms
                    from m in ms.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    group new { id,m } by new
                        INVOICENO = id.INVOICENO,
                        DATE = i.DATE

                    into temp
                    select new Invoice_List
                        ID = temp.Key.INVOICENO,
                        INVOICENO = temp.Key.INVOICENO,
                        CARET = temp.Sum(g => g.id.CARET),
                        DATE = temp.Key.DATE,
                        ISSUECARET = (decimal?)temp.Select(c => c.m.CARETUSED).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum() ?? 0,
                        AVAILABLECARET = ((decimal?)temp.Select(c => c.id.CARET).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum() ?? 0) - ((decimal?)temp.Select(c => c.m.CARETUSED).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum() ?? 0)

Invoice Table

1                2017-01-23 00:00:00
2                2017-01-23 00:00:00

Invoice Detail Table

1                      1                100.00
2                      1                200.00
3                      2                300.00
4                      2                400.00  

Mixing Table

1               1                      50.00
1               2                      100.00                
2               1                      25.00
2               2                      50.00

Now I want following result data by joining these three tables with group by.


1                2017-01-23 00:00:00         300.00              225.00                75.00
2                2017-01-23 00:00:00         700.00              0.00                  700.00


1                2017-01-23 00:00:00         600.00              225.00                375.00
2                2017-01-23 00:00:00         700.00              0.00                  700.00

I wrote an example as reply on the comments we had, this might not fix all your issues, but might be a good start. This is my test environment:

public class Invoice
    public int InvoiceNo { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }

public class InvoiceDetails
    public int InvoiceDetailId { get; set; }
    public int InvoiceNo { get; set; }
    public decimal Caret { get; set; }

public class Mixing
    public int MixingNo { get; set; }
    public int InvoiceDetailId { get; set; }
    public decimal CaretUsed { get; set; }


private static void ExecQuery()
    var invoices = new List<Invoice>();
    invoices.Add(new Invoice { InvoiceNo = 1, DateTime = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23) });
    invoices.Add(new Invoice { InvoiceNo = 2, DateTime = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23) });

    var invoiceDetails = new List<InvoiceDetails>();
    invoiceDetails.Add(new InvoiceDetails { InvoiceDetailId = 1, InvoiceNo = 1, Caret = 100 });
    invoiceDetails.Add(new InvoiceDetails { InvoiceDetailId = 2, InvoiceNo = 1, Caret = 200 });
    invoiceDetails.Add(new InvoiceDetails { InvoiceDetailId = 3, InvoiceNo = 2, Caret = 300 });
    invoiceDetails.Add(new InvoiceDetails { InvoiceDetailId = 4, InvoiceNo = 2, Caret = 400 });

    var mixings = new List<Mixing>();
    mixings.Add(new Mixing { MixingNo = 1, InvoiceDetailId = 1, CaretUsed = 50 });
    mixings.Add(new Mixing { MixingNo = 2, InvoiceDetailId = 2, CaretUsed = 100 });
    mixings.Add(new Mixing { MixingNo = 3, InvoiceDetailId = 1, CaretUsed = 25 });
    mixings.Add(new Mixing { MixingNo = 4, InvoiceDetailId = 2, CaretUsed = 50 });

    // select all from invoices
    var query = from i in invoices
                // join the details
                join id in invoiceDetails on i.InvoiceNo equals id.InvoiceNo
                // group the details on invoice
                group id by new { i.InvoiceNo, i.DateTime } into ig

                // again join the details (from the mixing)
                join id in invoiceDetails on ig.Key.InvoiceNo equals id.InvoiceNo
                // join the mixing
                join mix in mixings on id.InvoiceDetailId equals mix.InvoiceDetailId into mix2 // store in temp for outer join
                from mbox in mix2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                // group mixing (and sum the caret of the previous group
                group mbox by new { ig.Key.InvoiceNo, ig.Key.DateTime, TotalCaret = ig.Sum(item => item.Caret) } into igm
                // calculate the caret used (because it is used twice in the results)
                let caretUsedCaret = igm.Where(item => item != null).Sum(item => item.CaretUsed)
                // select the results.
                select new
                    CaretUsedCaret = caretUsedCaret,
                    Available = igm.Key.TotalCaret - caretUsedCaret

    foreach (var row in query)


Which results shows:

{ InvoiceNo = 1, DateTime = 23-Jan-17 00:00:00, TotalCaret = 300, CaretUsedCaret = 225, Available = 75 }
{ InvoiceNo = 2, DateTime = 23-Jan-17 00:00:00, TotalCaret = 700, CaretUsedCaret = 0, Available = 700 }

Ha Ha :) I wrote the same thing just with method chain...

   public class Invoice
        public int INVOICENO { get; set; }
        public DateTime DATE { get; set; }

    public class InvoiceDetail
        public int INVOICEDETAILID { get; set; }
        public int INVOICENO { get; set; }
        public int CARET { get; set; }

    public class Mixing
        public int MIXINGNO { get; set; }
        public int INVOICEDETAILID { get; set; }
        public int CARETUSED { get; set; }

    public void LinqTest()
        List<int>  ints = new List<int> {1,2,3};

        List<Invoice> invoices = new List<Invoice>
            new Invoice {INVOICENO = 1, DATE = DateTime.Parse("23/01/2017")},
            new Invoice {INVOICENO = 2, DATE = DateTime.Parse("23/01/2017")}

        List<InvoiceDetail> invoiceDetails = new List<InvoiceDetail>
            new InvoiceDetail{ INVOICEDETAILID = 1, INVOICENO = 1, CARET = 100},
            new InvoiceDetail { INVOICEDETAILID = 2, INVOICENO = 1, CARET = 200},
            new InvoiceDetail { INVOICEDETAILID = 3, INVOICENO = 2, CARET = 300},
            new InvoiceDetail {INVOICEDETAILID = 4, INVOICENO = 2, CARET = 400}

        List<Mixing> mixings = new List<Mixing>
            new Mixing {MIXINGNO = 1, INVOICEDETAILID = 1, CARETUSED = 50},
            new Mixing {MIXINGNO = 1, INVOICEDETAILID = 2, CARETUSED = 100},
            new Mixing {MIXINGNO = 2, INVOICEDETAILID = 1, CARETUSED = 25},
            new Mixing {MIXINGNO = 2, INVOICEDETAILID = 2, CARETUSED = 50}

        var q =
            invoices.Join(invoiceDetails, i => i.INVOICENO, id => id.INVOICENO, (invoice, detail) => new {invoice, detail})
                .GroupJoin(mixings, arg => arg.detail.INVOICEDETAILID, m => m.INVOICEDETAILID,
                    (arg, m) => new {arg.invoice, arg.detail, Mixings = m})
                .GroupBy(arg => arg.invoice)
                    g =>
                            Tot_Caret = g.Sum(arg => arg.detail.CARET),
                            Tot_Used = g.Sum(arg => arg.Mixings.Sum(mixing => mixing.CARETUSED)),
                            Available = g.Sum(arg => arg.detail.CARET) - g.Sum(arg => arg.Mixings.Sum(mixing => mixing.CARETUSED))

One of the greatest features of EF is the so called navigation properties . When used inside the LINQ to Entities queries, they provide the necessary metadata to build the necessary joins when translating the query to SQL. And allow you to build the queries like if they are run on objects, which basically eliminates the need to think about joins, but concentrate on your logic.

Let say your model is something like this (showing navigation properties only):

public class Invoice
    // ...
    public ICollection<InvoiceDetail> Details { get; set; }

public class InvoiceDetail
    // ...
    public ICollection<Mixing> Mixings { get; set; }

Also looking at the tables, seems like InvoiceNo is a PK of the Invoice .

In such case, you don't even need GroupBy . The first 2 fields come from Invoice , the other are retrieved with Sum from children:

var query =
    from i in db.Invoices
    let TOTALCARET = i.Details.Sum(d => (decimal?)d.CARET) ?? 0
    let USEDCARET = i.Details.SelectMany(d => d.Mixings).Sum(m => (decimal?)m.CARETUSED) ?? 0
    select new

The only trick is to promote the non nullable type to nullable when using Sum function to avoid exception when the source sequence is empty. Then the null-coalescing operator is used to turn it back to non nullable when needed.

IF SOMEONE HAS THE SOLUTION WITH LINQ, PLEASE POST IT HERE. @Jeroen van Langen's answer is very close but giving me error.

With some modification and try, I solved at least the problem with Raw SQLQuery. LINQ is not helping me with complex and nested query. Following is my Raw SQL code that I am pretty familiar with and its working as a temporary solution. I have added few other tables also as per my final requirement.


var str = "select";
        str += " a.ID,a.INVOICENO,a.TOTAL,a.CARET,a.DATE,a.PARTY,a.BROKER,";
        str += " ISNULL(b.CARET,0) as ISSUECARET,";
        str += " ISNULL(a.CARET,0) - ISNULL(b.CARET,0) as AVAILABLECARET";
        str += " from";
        str += " (";
        str += " select";
        str += "     i.INVOICENO as ID,";
        str += " i.INVOICENO,";
        str += " i.DATE,";
        str += " a.accountname as PARTY,";
        str += " b.accountname as BROKER,";
        str += " SUM(id.CARET) as CARET,";
        str += " SUM(id.TOTAL) as TOTAL";
        str += "     from invoice i";
        str += "     inner";
        str += " join Invoice_Details id";
        str += "                 on i.INVOICENO = id.INVOICENO";
        str += " inner join account a on a.ID=i.party inner join account b on b.ID=i.broker";
        str += "     group by";
        str += " i.id,";
        str += " i.INVOICENO,";
        str += " i.DATE,";
        str += " a.accountname,";
        str += " b.accountname";
        str += " )";
        str += " as a";
        str += " left join";
        str += " (";
        str += " select";
        str += "     id.INVOICENO,";
        str += " SUM(m.caret) as CARET";
        str += "     from";
        str += " Invoice_Details id";
        str += "     left";
        str += " join";
        str += " Mixing m";
        str += " on id.ID = m.INVOICEDETAILID";
        str += "     group by id.invoiceno";
        str += " )";
        str += "    as b";
        str += " on a.INVOICENO = b.INVOICENO";
        var query = db.Database.SqlQuery<Invoice_List>(str);

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