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Ninject - Bind different interfaces implementations to the same class

I'm new to DI (using Ninject) and just started to learn the concepts, but I've been scratching my head for a while to understand this:

Suppose I have DIFFERENT usage of the same class in my program ( ProcessContext in the example below).

In the first class ( SomeClass ) : I would like to inject Implement1 to ProcessContext instance.

In the second class ( SomeOtherClass ) : I would like to inject Implement2 to ProcessContext instance.

How should I perform the bindings using Ninject ?

public class Implement1 : IAmInterace
   public void Method()

public class Implement2 : IAmInterace
   public void Method()

public class ProcessContext : IProcessContext
   IAmInterface iamInterface;
   public ProcessContext(IAmInterface iamInterface)
      this.iamInterface = iamInterface;

public class SomeClass : ISomeClass
    public void SomeMethod()
        // HERE I WANT TO USE: processcontext instance with Implement1
        IProcessContext pc = kernel.Get<IProcessContext>();            

public class SomeOtherClass : ISomeOtherClass
    public void SomeMethod()
        // HERE I WANT TO USE: processcontext instance with Implement2
        IProcessContext pc = kernel.Get<IProcessContext>();            

You can inject additional constructor parameters easily in this way:

public void SomeMethod()
    var foo = new Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument("iamInterface", new Implement2());
    IProcessContext pc = kernel.Get<IProcessContext>(foo);            

For now, I don't have access to ninject . So tell me if it doesn't work as expected.

This is not possible as Ninject has no way of knowing which implementation to return. However; if you create a new instance of your IProcessContext by passing in a variable then Ninject will look for the implementation with the appropriate constructor and return that one.

You could use named bindings for this.

eg something like:

    .WithConstructorArgument("iamInterface", context => Kernel.Get<Implement1>())

    .WithConstructorArgument("iamInterface", context => Kernel.Get<Implement2>())


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