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Laravel 5.2 queue ignores .env

I have a Laravel 5.2 app which sends a few emails when a user buys a product. The email view includes references to some images, like so:

<img src="{{ asset($purchase->image) }}">

This works fine in all 3 environments I have - local, staging, and production. asset() correctly constructs the fully qualified URLs to the appropriate image, using the configured APP_URLs in each environment.

I decided to switch to using Laravel queues to send the emails.

  • I changed the QUEUE_DRIVER in .env to database
  • php artisan queue:table
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan queue:listen
  • Changed




and made a test purchase. The process works, the mail is sent, but the image URLs in the delivered emails are wrong. It seems that my configured APP_URL is not being picked up.




'url' => env('APP_URL', 'http://localhost'),

The URLs asset() generates in my email are:


which is incorrect, they should be:


It looks like using queues the APP_URL defined in my .env is not seen, so the default of http://localhost is used. Not using queues, the same code works fine.

The only thing I can think of is that the CLI PHP environment which is handling the queue is somehow different from the Apache PHP environment, but I can't imagine what difference would cause .env to be ignored.

I found a similar question from someone using Laravel 4.2, 2 years ago, with no answer. I found a few other similar references but no solution. Anyone seen this or have any suggestions?

Thanks to @num8er for finding the solution.

This is a known problem in Laravel that comes from Symfony: https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/14139

A workaround is to do as @num8er suggested in the comments, and hard-code asset paths in views, rather than use asset() :

config('app.url') . '/images/' . $purchase->image

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