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Route Prefix VS Controller Name ( Web api )

I was wondering that if we use RoutePrefix attribute in our web api controller with a different name from controller's actual name. So would it work or not?

As far as i did

public class SaleOrderController : ApiController { ... }

if we define RoutePrefix like above we can't access it via /quotation but we can access it using saleorder .

So what is RoutePrefix for or am i doing something wrong ?

To use default route use Route("")

public class SaleOrderController : ApiController {

    //GET quotation
    public IHttpActionResult GetAll() { ... }


Source: Attribute Routing in ASP.NET Web API 2 : Route Prefix

In order for it to work, you need to call the code below inside your WebApiConfig.Register() method:


So your RoutePrefix works as exptected:

public class SaleOrderController : ApiController
    public IHttpActionResult Example()
        return Ok();

    public IHttpActionResult Another()
        return Ok();


So your could access your apis like this:

  • quotation/example
  • quotation/another

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