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Marking an object as clean in SQLAlchemy ORM

Is there any way to explicitly mark an object as clean in the SQLAlchemy ORM?

This is related partly to a previous question on bulk update strategies .

I want to, within a before_flush event listener mark a bunch of object as actually not needing to be flushed. This is due to them being manually synced with the database by other means.

I have tried the strategy below, but it results in the object being removed from the session, which then can cause problems later when a lazy load happens.

@event.listens_for(SignallingSession, 'before_flush')
def before_flush(session, flush_context, instances):
    ledgers = []

    if session.dirty:
        for elem in session.dirty:
            if ( session.is_modified(elem, include_collections=False) ):
                if isinstance(elem, Wallet):
                    session.expunge(elem) # causes problems later
                    ledgers.append(Ledger(id=elem.id, amount=elem.balance))

    if ledgers:
        session.execute('UPDATE wallet w JOIN ledger l on w.id = l.id SET w.balance = l.amount')
        session.execute('TRUNCATE ledger')

I want to do something like:


But that doesn't work as session.dirty is a computed property, not a regular attribute. I've been digging around the instrumentation code, but can't see how I might fool the dirty list to not contain something. I see there is also a history on the object state that will need taking care of as well.

Any ideas? The underlying database is MySQL if that makes any difference.


When you modify the database outside of the ORM, you can let the ORM know the current database state by using set_committed_value() .


wallet = session.query(Wallet).filter_by(id=123)
wallet.balance = 0
session.execute("UPDATE wallet SET balance = 0 WHERE id = 123;")
set_committed_value(wallet, "balance", 0)
session.commit()  # won't issue additional SQL to update wallet

If you really wanted to mark the instance as not dirty, you can muck with the internals of SQLAlchemy:

state = inspect(p)
state.modified = False
print(p in session.dirty)  # False

Let me summarize this insanity.

from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes


Easy. (no)

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