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Form asynchronous validation in angular2

Am new to angular2 and i would like to validate an email address from the server but it fails

This is my form

this.userform = this._formbuilder.group({
  email: ['', [Validators.required], [this._validationService.emailExistsValidator.bind(this)]],

Then the _ValidationService i have The validation service is a service with @Injector

   export class ValidationService{

private _authService:AuthService

 emailExistsValidator(control) {
   if (control.value != undefined) {
    return this._authService.checkExists("email")
      .map(response => {
       if (!response) {
          return {'emailNotExists': true};

And in the authservice i have (which is another service performing the http requests)

 export class AuthService {

return this._http.get(this.authurl+value)
  .map(response => {
   return response  //this is either true or false


I have followed This link in setting up my form but it fails

The error returned is

Cannot read property 'checkExists' of undefined
at UsersComponent.webpackJsonp.187.

What could be wrong

If this should point to the ValidationService , bind() needs to be

this.userform = this._formbuilder.group({
  email: ['', [Validators.required], [this._validationService.emailExistsValidator.bind(this._validationService)]],

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