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I am trying to encrypt a text by changing its character code and then converting it back into characters using python. but i am getting an error

I am trying to encrypt a text by changing its character code and then converting it back into characters using python. It is performing encryption but giving this error for decryption:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\\Users\\CZ 3\\Downloads\\nis1.py", line 15, in

cipher1 = cipher1 + chr(ord(cipher[i])/2)

TypeError: integer argument expected, got float

cipher = ''
plaintext = ''
choice = ''
cipher1 = ''
choice = input("\nEnter 1 to Encrypt and decrypt ")
while choice == '1':
    plaintext = input("\nEnter the message to encrypt: ")

    for i in range(0, len(plaintext)):
       cipher = cipher + chr(ord(plaintext[i])*2)
    print ("encrypted text" + '\n\n' + cipher + '\n\n' )
    print("decrypted text:" + '\n\n')
    for i in range(0, len(plaintext)):
       cipher1 = cipher1 + chr(ord(cipher[i])/2)                        
    print (cipher1 + '\n\n')     
    cipher= ''
    choice = input("\nEnter 1 to Encrypt and decrypt: ")

In Python 3 / is true division (see PEP 238 ), it return float with two int:

>>> type(6/2)
<class 'float'>

If you sure all numbers are even you can use // floor div:

>>> type(6//2)
<class 'int'>

so try this:

cipher1 = cipher1 + chr(ord(cipher[i]) // 2)

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