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Akka actor messages aggregate

The following actor performs a division once both numerator and denominator are received,

package funnelTest

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}

object Main extends App {

  val system1 = ActorSystem("funnelTest")
  val input  = system1.actorOf(Props[Funnel], "input")

  input ! 3
  input ! 2.718


case object Run

class Funnel extends Actor {

  var i: Option[Int] = None
  var d: Option[Double] = None

  def isReady = i.nonEmpty && d.nonEmpty

  def receive = {
    case v: Int    => i = Some(v) ; if (isReady) self ! Run
    case v: Double => d = Some(v) ; if (isReady) self ! Run
    case Run       => println(s"aggregated, $d / $i = " + d.get/i.get)
    case _         =>  

Is there a more scalable way to aggregate all the messages?

A unique identifier that identifies the request is one way to solve the problem. A map ( calcRegistry ) inside the Actor holds the previously arrived FractionComponent (either Numerator or Denominator ). Once the second part of the pair comes in, we could start running the calculation as you've already done.

The implementation still doesn't address the issue of a memory leak where the second pair wouldn't be received and the map would keep growing.

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}

object Main extends App {

  import Funnel._

  val system1 = ActorSystem("funnelTest")
  val input = system1.actorOf(Props[Funnel], "input")

  (1 to 10) foreach { number =>

    val id = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
    input ! Numerator(id, value = number + 2)
    input ! Denominator(id, value = number + 1)



class Funnel extends Actor {

  import Funnel._
  import scala.collection._

  val calcRegistry = mutable.Map[String, FractionComponent]()

  def saveToRegistry(comp: FractionComponent) = calcRegistry(comp.id) = comp

  def printValue(num: Numerator, den: Denominator) = println(s"aggregated, ${num.value} / ${den.value} = ${num.value / den.value}")

  def receive = {
    case num@Numerator(id, _) =>
      if (calcRegistry contains id)
        self ! Run(num, calcRegistry(id).asInstanceOf[Denominator])
      else saveToRegistry(num)
    case den@Denominator(id, _) =>
      if (calcRegistry contains id)
        self ! Run(calcRegistry(id).asInstanceOf[Numerator], den)
      else saveToRegistry(den)
    case Run(num: Numerator, den: Denominator) =>
      printValue(num, den)
    case _ =>

object Funnel {

  sealed trait FractionComponent {
    def id: String

  case class Numerator(override val id: String, value: Double) extends FractionComponent

  case class Denominator(override val id: String, value: Integer) extends FractionComponent

  case class Run(num: Numerator, denominator: Denominator)


Sample output :

aggregated, 3.0 / 2 = 1.5
aggregated, 4.0 / 3 = 1.3333333333333333
aggregated, 5.0 / 4 = 1.25
aggregated, 6.0 / 5 = 1.2
aggregated, 7.0 / 6 = 1.1666666666666667
aggregated, 8.0 / 7 = 1.1428571428571428
aggregated, 9.0 / 8 = 1.125
aggregated, 10.0 / 9 = 1.1111111111111112
aggregated, 11.0 / 10 = 1.1
aggregated, 12.0 / 11 = 1.0909090909090908

Reference : Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model

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