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How to clear a QTreeView / QFileSystemModel

I have a list of items displayed in a QTableWidget, each one corresponding to a specific folder.

Next to this, I have a QTreeView, with a QFileSystemModel. When I select an item from the QTableWidget, it calls a slot (shown below) in order to display the corresponding folder content.

void MyWidget::diplayFolder(int row)
    if (auto item = table->item(row, 1))
        QString correspondingDirectory = item->text();
        if (QDir(correspondingDirectory).exists())
            // treeModel => QFileSystemModel
            // tree      => QTreeView
            qDebug() << "Reset tree => do not display anything!";
            // treeModel->setRootPath("");
            // tree->reset();

If the directory does not exist, I don't want to display anything. However, when I try to set an empty root path or reset the view, it show all my computer drives.

How can I reset or clear the QTreeView ?

Had a similar issue. Im not quite sure how i solved it, because it was a long time ago. I think it should work if you set the QTreeview a nullptr as model. So when the QDir exists you set a new QFileSystemModel otherwise you call:


Hope this helps you.

EDIT: If your doing it this way the header is deleted too.

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