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Regex with digits and some special characters

I need help with creating a regex that would recognize tokens in text.
Token requirements are as follows:

  • should start and end with $
  • can contain any combination of letters, digits, _
  • can contain only one consecutive . , meaning:
    • $some.valid.sample$ is valid
    • $some..invalid.sample$ is not
  • can contain square brackets, but only if they contain a number inside, meaning:
    • $some.valid[0].sampl$ is valid
    • $some.invalid[].sample$ is not
  • contains between 1 and 64 characters

additional requirements (after discussion in comments):

  • square brackets with number have to be followed by . if they are not at the end (ie if they are not just before closing $ )
  • length constraint applies to content between two $

Can anyone help me out with this?
So far I have \\$([A-Za-z0-9._]*(\\[\\d+\\])*)+]$



How about this pattern:


You can test it here

it is a little too narrow though. I would take the suggestion by @Wiktor Stribizew

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