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Working with avg, to_char, and having

Display the department ID, average salary (in currency format), and the number of job IDs for each department. Limit the results to only those departments with more than 5 job IDs.

What I've tried so far.

select department_id, to_char(avg(salary, '$999,999.00')), count(job_id) from employees group by department_id, salary, job_id having SUM(job_id) > '5';

I'm having trouble understand what it means by "invalid number of arguments."


Only department_id should be appearing in the GROUP BY clause since you want to aggregate over departments, and not anything else.

SELECT department_id,
       CONCAT('$', FORMAT(AVG(salary), 2)) AS avg_salary,
       COUNT(*) AS num_job_ids
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id

I assumed in my answer that every job_id in the table is unique. If this is not the case, and you wanted to instead count/report unique jobs, then you can replace COUNT(*) with COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) .

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