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How to return multiple value in Oracle Database 12c

I know this question was asked in

Oracle: Return multiple values in a function


Returning multiple values from an Oracle 12c function

I followed them but it is causing error, I can not compile it. I am missing something, so I need help please.

my code is

create or replace type child_type AS OBJECT
  child_id_number varchar2(2000),
  child_name varchar2(2000),
  other_id varchar2(2000)

        CREATE or replace function children_b
                   i_id_number IN VARCHAR2
        RETURN child_type

child_record child_type;


                  SELECT LISTAGG(ch.child_id_number, ', ')WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ch.child_id_number),
                         LISTAGG(e.mail_name, ', ')WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY e.mail_name),
                         LISTAGG(ib.other_id,', ')WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ib.other_id)

    INTO child_type.child_id_number,child_type.child_name,child_type.other_id

                         FROM entity e
                         JOIN children ch ON ch.child_id_number = e.id_number
                         JOIN ids_base ib ON ib.id_number = ch.child_id_number
                         WHERE ib.ids_type_code = 'BAN'
                         AND ch.id_number IN (i_id_number)
                         GROUP BY ch.id_number;


        End children_b;

The error message is Compilation errors for FUNCTION TU_ADIS.TU_CHILDREN_B

Error: PLS-00330: invalid use of type name or subtype name Line: 23 Text: INTO child_type.child_id_number,child_type.child_name,child_type.other_id

Error: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier Line: 24 Text: FROM bio_entity e

Error: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored Line: 20 Text: SELECT LISTAGG(ch.child_id_number, ', ')WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ch.child_id_number),


In your INTO clause change the




You are retrieving into an instance of the object not the object itself. I've just created your function and that works for me.

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