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CefSharp documentcompleted

I am trying to use cefshar browser in C# winforms and need to know how I know when page completely loaded and how I can get browser document and get html elements,

I just Initialize the browser and don't know what I should do next:

  public Form1()

            Cef.Initialize(new CefSettings());
            browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("http://google.com");
            browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;


CefSharp has a LoadingStateChanged event with LoadingStateChangedArgs .

LoadingStateChangedArgs has a property called IsLoading which indicates if the page is still loading.

You should be able to subscribe to it like this:

browser.LoadingStateChanged += OnLoadingStateChanged;

The method would look like this:

private void OnLoadingStateChanged(object sender, LoadingStateChangedEventArgs args)
    if (!args.IsLoading)
        // Page has finished loading, do whatever you want here

I believe you can get the page source like this:

string HTML = await browser.GetSourceAsync();

You'd probably need to get to grips with something like HtmlAgility to parse it, I'm not going to cover that as it's off topic.

I ended up using:

using CefSharp;

wbAuthorization.AddressChanged += OnAddressChanged;


private void OnAddressChanged(
    object s,
    AddressChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Address.StartsWith(EndUri))
        ResultUri = new Uri(e.Address);
        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

EndUri is the final page I want to examine and ResultUri contains a string I want to extract later. Just some example code from a larger class.

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