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C++ / Node.js :binding.gyp library fails

I've created a C++ program on Windows 7 in Visual Studio 2015 which uses EnumProcessModules. When I compile it in VS2015 it succeeds.

Now, I created an C++ addon in Node.js which includes the above code (EnumProcessModules).

when I compile it from command line (by running node-gyp build ), I get the following error:

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'psapi.dll' [C:\Users\Yoni\W

psapi.dll exists at


I took it from C:\\Windows\\System32\\

And this is my binding.gyp code:

  "targets": [
      "target_name": "getProcesses",
      "sources": [ "psInfo.cc", "json.hpp" ],
      "libraries": [ "psapi.dll" ]

How to resolve this?

Thx for the help.


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