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how can i implement a pagination in spring jdbcTemplate

here is my following dao implementaion

    public List<UserAddress> getAddresses(int pageid,int total) {

        String sql = "select * FROM user_addresses order by id desc limit "+(pageid-1)+","+total;
        List<UserAddress> userAddresses  = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new RowMapper<UserAddress>() {
            public UserSessionLog mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                UserAddress userAdd = new UserAddress();
                return userSession;
        return userAddresses;

in the above dao implementaion, i list all the user addresses, trying to list with limit

       public ModelAndView userAddresses(@PathVariable int pageid) {
        int total=5;  
         List<UserAddress> listAddresses = userAddressFacade.getAddresses(pageid,total);
         return new ModelAndView("userAddresses", "listAddresses", listAddresses);

this is my view part,

<table class="table table-condensed">
            <c:if test="${not empty addresses}">
                <c:forEach var="address" items="${addresses}">

   <a href="/pro/userAddress/1">1</a>   
   <a href="/pro/userAddress/2">2</a>   
   <a href="/pro/userAddress/3">3</a>  

I have hardcoded the pagination part, do any one have idea, how to do pagination. i am newbie to java jdbcTemplate,

This can be done as long as your database supports LIMIT and OFFSET .

An example is given here . The critical code is shown below (you can ignore the fluent builder clauses):

import org.springframework.data.domain.Page;
import org.springframework.data.domain.PageImpl;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public class DemoRepository {
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public DemoRepository(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

    public List<Demo> findDemo() {
        String querySql = "SELECT name, action, operator, operated_at " +
                "FROM auditing " +
                "WHERE module = ?";
        return jdbcTemplate.query(querySql, new Object[]{Module.ADMIN_OPERATOR.getModule()}, (rs, rowNum) ->

    public Page<Demo> findDemoByPage(Pageable pageable) {
        String rowCountSql = "SELECT count(1) AS row_count " +
                "FROM auditing " +
                "WHERE module = ? ";
        int total =
                        new Object[]{Module.ADMIN_OPERATOR.getModule()}, (rs, rowNum) -> rs.getInt(1)

        String querySql = "SELECT name, action, operator, operated_at " +
                "FROM auditing " +
                "WHERE module = ? " +
                "LIMIT " + pageable.getPageSize() + " " +
                "OFFSET " + pageable.getOffset();
        List<Demo> demos = jdbcTemplate.query(
                new Object[]{Module.ADMIN_OPERATOR.getModule()}, (rs, rowNum) -> Demo.builder()

        return new PageImpl<>(demos, pageable, total);

I agree with @Erica Kane for use of LIMIT and OFFSET.

However, If Database is not supporting LIMIT and OFFSET then you can use ROW_NUMBER()

for example -
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id) as RRN FROM user_addresses as T1 ) WHERE RRN between :start and :end; :start and :end you can give whatever number you wish to fetch result. 1 to 100 etc.
If Total rows are less than end number then it will simply return whatever rows present.

Some of the best link I found regarding ROW_NUMBER() with great explanation-





I came across this while I was searching for something else, and noticed this has not been answered, so thought to post my 2cents. You can create a wrapper (Request) object containing Pagination object and pageId.


  • Pagination pagination
  • int pageId (any business related data/ SQL parameter)


  • int start (Use to set OFFSET property in the SQL)
  • int size (Use to set the FETCH NEXT property in the SQL)

You don't have to create own implementation logic for pagination. Use Spring's PagedListHolder , it's suitable and configurable for pagination purposes.

Here you can see an example implementation: Spring Pagination Example .

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