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Javascript function not firing on window.onresize

I have created a small script to center a form vertically using js. However, it does not seem to work with window.onresize and I dont understand why. BTW it works perfect on window.onload and the window.onresize will fire an alert on resize if I ask it to. Here is my code:

var resetHeight = function(){

  var loginForm = document.querySelector('.login-form');
  var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
  var topNavbarHeight = document.querySelector('.top-navbar').clientHeight;
  var loginFormHeight = loginForm.clientHeight;
  var footerHeight = document.querySelector('footer').clientHeight;
  var totalHeights = loginFormHeight + topNavbarHeight + footerHeight + 90;
  var halfHeight = (windowHeight-totalHeights) / 2;

  loginForm.style.paddingTop = halfHeight + "px";
  loginForm.style.paddingBottom = halfHeight+ "px";      


window.onload = resetHeight;

window.onresize = resetHeight;

Have you tried alerting your required values upon window resize? You should give the JQuery solution a try:

window.addEventListener('resize', resetHeight);

Also, I would try using the onresize="resetHeight()" event listener inside the tag of your HTML. Let me know if this works!


<body onresize="resetHeight()">

Not an answer, but a suggestion, why would you use javascript for this when you can use CSS? It will perform much better and support more people. Here is a simple example of a div that is always centered in it's container:

 #centered { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background: red; width: 100px; height: 100px; } 
 <div id="centered"> </div> 

You could try using jquery to do this for example:

  $( window ).resize(function() {
   var loginForm = document.querySelector('.login-form');
   var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
   var topNavbarHeight = document.querySelector('.top-navbar').clientHeight;
   var loginFormHeight = loginForm.clientHeight;
   var footerHeight = document.querySelector('footer').clientHeight;
   var totalHeights = loginFormHeight + topNavbarHeight + footerHeight + 90;
   var halfHeight = (windowHeight-totalHeights) / 2;

   loginForm.style.paddingTop = halfHeight + "px";
   loginForm.style.paddingBottom = halfHeight+ "px";  


This is a jquery solution I wrote that works (for me). It would be great to have a vanilla javascript answer.

var resetHeight = function(){
  var loginForm = $(".login-form");
  var loginFormHeight = loginForm.height();
  var windowHeight = $(window).height();
  var topNavbarHeight = $('.top-navbar').height();
  var footerHeight = $('footer').height();
  var totalHeights = loginFormHeight + topNavbarHeight + footerHeight + 90;
  var halfHeight = (windowHeight-totalHeights) / 2;


  $( document ).ready(function(){
   window.addEventListener('resize', resetHeight);     

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