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Not able to create Azure Container Service type = Kubernetes

I am using Azure CLI 2.0 and I am trying to create Azure Container Service type Kurbenetes , with this command (I already created resource group)

az acs create --orchestrator-type=kubernetes --resource-group=mi-shared-docker-test --dns-prefix=kube --name=mishareddocker

I am getting this error

waiting for AAD role to propagate..........Could not create a service principal with the right permissions. Are you an Owner on this project?

I can create any vms, webapps etc, but why am I receiving this issue ?

Well, the error states it pretty clearly, you don't have the right permissions, you should read on the ACS\\Kubernetes guide.

I understand you are using AZ, not azure, but the idea is the same, you should have enough permissions and a service principal to deploy Kubernetes on Azure.

You need to look specifically at this link .

您的命令中有一个错字, orchestrator=type应该是orchestrator-type (破折号而不是等号)

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