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Enable bundling for AjaxToolkit CSS

I'm currently using the the CompositeScript feature of the ajax ToolkitScriptManager to bundle ajax .js files referenced in assemblies:

    <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager ID="manScript" LoadScriptsBeforeUI="false" EnablePartialRendering="false" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" ScriptMode="Release" EnableCdn="true">
        <CompositeScript ScriptMode="Release" Path="/web/js/ajax/ajaxbundle.min.js">
                <asp:ScriptReference Name="WebForms.js"  Assembly="System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"  />
                <asp:ScriptReference Name="MicrosoftAjax.js" />
                <asp:ScriptReference Name="MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js" />
                <asp:ScriptReference Name="WebUIValidation.js" Assembly="System.Web" />

I'm wondering if it's also possible to bundle the generated CSS too? I'm getting an extra <link /> which loads in CSS for the ajax ValidatorCallout extender control I'm using

As I can see, you are using pre-v15.1 version of the AJAX Control Toolkit. It lacks this capability.

You can upgrade your project following Upgrading from v7.x and below article. Take a note on How to Use Bundling and CDN article during an upgrade process.

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