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JPA Eclipselink error inserting into table

So first a bit of back story. The issue I am having is when I create a user. Previously I had tried to create a user and assign them a role separately before discovering that by inserting into the SEC_USER_ROLE table the program was also inserting into the APP_USER table and I was getting an error about inserting duplicate values into the parent table. However, now by creating the user and role together I am getting the following error:

Primary key should be primitive (or list of primitives for composite pk) , an instance of java.lang.Long with the primary keys filled in or an instance of WebIntSecRole.......

Code as follows, not sure where I'm goin g wrong or the best solution at this point.


            //New User Creation
    WebIntUser newUser = new WebIntUser();

    //Set role for new user
    WebIntSecRoleUser newUserRole = new WebIntSecRoleUser();


@Table(name = "APP_USER")
@EntityListeners(value = { AuditChangeListener.class })
public class WebIntUser implements Serializable {
public WebIntUser() {

public WebIntUser(String login, String pass) {
    this.loginId = login;
    this.password = pass;

private Integer userId;
private String loginId;
private String password;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private boolean disabled;
private boolean deleted;
private boolean dbAuth;
private boolean isEncrypted;
private boolean encryptPassword;
private Date lastLogin;
private Date prevLogin;
private Integer version;
private Date lastPasswordChange;
private Date createdOn;
private Date updatedOn;
private String createdBy;
private String updatedBy;
private Integer ldapId;

public static interface propertyName {
    String userId = "userId";
    String loginId = "loginId";
    String password = "password";
    String firstName = "firstName";
    String lastName = "lastName";
    String email = "email";
    String disabled = "disabled";
    String deleted = "deleted";
    String dbAuth = "dbAuth";
    String isEncrypted = "isEncrypted";
    String encryptPassword = "encryptPassword";
    String lastLogin = "lastLogin";
    String prevLogin = "prevLogin";
    String version = "version";
    String lastPasswordChange = "lastPasswordChange";
    String createdOn = "createdOn";
    String updatedOn = "updatedOn";
    String createdBy = "createdBy";
    String updatedBy = "updatedBy";
    String ldapId = "ldapId";

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "USER_ID", nullable = false)
public Integer getUserId() {
    return userId;

public void setUserId(Integer userId) {
    this.userId = userId;


@Table(name = "SEC_ROLE_USER")
@EntityListeners(value = {AuditInfoChangeListener.class})
public class WebIntSecRoleUser implements AuditableDomainObject {

private Long id;
private WebIntSecRole role;
private WebIntUser user;
private boolean deleted;
private AuditInfo auditInfo;
private long versionNumber;
private Date createdOn;
private Date updatedOn;
private String createdBy;
private String updatedBy;

public interface propertyName extends Auditable.propertyName {
    String id="id";
    String role="role";
    String user="user";
    String deleted = "deleted";
    String createdOn = "createdOn";
    String updatedOn = "updatedOn";
    String createdBy = "createdBy";
    String updatedBy = "updatedBy";

public static interface permissionKey{
   String UPDATE="SecRoleUser.U";

@Column(name = "ROLE_USER_ID",nullable = false, unique = true)
public Long getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(Long id) {
    this.id = id;

@JoinColumn(name="ROLE_ID", nullable=false)
public WebIntSecRole getRole() {
    return role;

public void setRole(WebIntSecRole role) {
    this.role = role;

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name="USER_ID", nullable = false)
public WebIntUser getUser() {
    return user;

public void setUser(WebIntUser user) {
    this.user = user;

Note: There is some commented out code that I'm either trying not to use anymore, or in the case of Created By and Created On etc I was getting errors for multiple inserts.

In my opinion you have missed the @ManyToOne mapping on the WebIntSecRole . You only specified the @JoinColumn.

@ManyToOne(/* desired options */)
@JoinColumn(name="ROLE_ID", nullable=false)
public WebIntSecRole getRole() {
    return role;

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