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EV printing makes unit test fail in INET/OmNET++

I have a component I am testing:

namespace myproj {

class MyComp {
  void doSome();


using namespace myproj;

void MyComp::doSome() {
  // Some code...
  // And in the end, for debugging purposes, I print in one of the streams
  EV_DEBUG << "Some debugging info" << endl;

My unit test

My test is an ordinary OmNET++ Unit Test using the opp_test tool:

Tests my component

#include "myproj/MyComp.h"


using namespace ::inet::test::myproj;

MyCompTest test = MyCompTest();


EV << ".\n";

%contains: stdout
my test out

Of course a class MyCompTest is using MyComp in order to run some logic which will eventually invoke MyComp::doSome .

Note that testDoSome will cause the string "my test out" to be printed.

The problem

The issue is that, because of that EV_DEBUG (same happens if I change it into EV_INFO , EV_DETAIL and all other EV s) in my original class (source/simulation code), the test output is poisoned and the final output is:

Some debugging info
my test out

Which makes the test fail. If I comment out EV_DEBUG << ... then the test is fine.

How to solve this problem? Do I really have to remove all EV printouts in my original code?

You can turn off printing by EV_DEBUG by adding these lines in %activity section:

#undef EV_DEBUG
#define EV_DEBUG  true ? EV : EV

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