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Excel VBA: Checking if range contains a cell with a specific color

I have the following two user defined functions:

Function GetFillColor(Rng As Range) As Long
    GetFillColor = Rng.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function


Function ContainsColor(Rng As Range, Clr As Long) As Boolean
    ContainsColor = False
    For Each c In Rng
        If GetFillColor(c) = Clr Then
            ContainsColor = True
            Exit For
        End If
End Function

The second function does not seem to work when called like ContainsColor(A1:A5,35), what am I missing? Thanks.

Not so sure why you have 2 Functions , you can just use one:

Function ContainsColor(Rng As Range, Clr As Long) As Boolean

    Dim c As Range
    ContainsColor = False
    For Each c In Rng
        If c.Interior.ColorIndex = Clr Then
            ContainsColor = True
            Exit For
        End If

End Function

Calling it from Excel (in this case will result True, as Cell A1 Interior.ColorIndex = 35) :


sorry to resurrect an old issue, but I have this exactl formula working in an Excel spreadsheet, and I see that if I change the color of the cell in order to change the output, the result does not automatically update. I have to F2 in the formula cell and press enter for it to update ? Is there a way to have this aut refresh as the color changes ?


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