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Get random line from text file in Windows batch

I'm working on a Windows batch script. I found a way to set a variable to a random line from a text file. It's the chunk that starts at line 4 and echoes !current_proxy! .

I tried copying this chunk to a different section of the batch file (the section with the big empty space around it) so I could get another random line if/when a certain file fails to download. Why isn't it working this time? Am I using the wrong symbols (such as % and ! )? Thanks.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set proxies_list="proxies.txt"

:: # Count the number of lines in the text file and generate a random number.
for /f "usebackq" %%c in (`find /V /C "" ^< %proxies_list%`) do set lines=%%c
set /a random_number=%RANDOM% * lines / 32768 + 1, skiplines=random_number-1

:: # Extract the line from the file.
set skip=
if %skiplines% gtr 0 set skip=skip=%skiplines%
for /f "usebackq %skip% delims=" %%c in (%proxies_list%) do set "current_proxy=%%c" & goto continue


for %%a in (xml\*.xml) do (

   for /l %%b in (0,1,337) do (

      set /a "x=%%b%%26"
      set /a "y=%%b/26"
      set /a "tile_number=%%b+1"

      if not exist "C:\Users\User\Desktop\panoid\tiles\%%~na\%%~na_tile!tile_number!.jpg" (

         echo C:^\Users^\User^\Desktop^\panoid^\tiles^\%%~na^\%%~na_tile!tile_number!.jpg
         "C:\Portable programs\wget64.exe" --read-timeout=10 --tries=3 -e use_proxy=on -e http_proxy=!current_proxy! -O "C:\Users\User\Desktop\panoid\tiles\%%~na\%%~na_tile!tile_number!.jpg" "http://updatethis.com"

         FOR /F "usebackq" %%d IN ("C:\Users\User\Desktop\panoid\tiles\%%~na\%%~na_tile!tile_number!.jpg") DO set size=%%~zd

         if !size! GTR 0 (
            echo File not empty.
         ) ELSE (
            echo File empty.

            for /f "usebackq" %%c in (`find /V /C "" ^< %proxies_list%`) do set lines=%%c
            set /a random_number=%RANDOM% * lines / 32768 + 1, skiplines=random_number-1
            set skip=
            if %skiplines% gtr 0 set skip=skip=%skiplines%
            for /f "usebackq %skip% delims=" %%c in (%proxies_list%) do set "current_proxy=%%c" & goto continue




Here is an example to show you that Call :label can help.

This uses a slightly different method in that it sets every line in %proxlist% to a variable at the outset, this is especially advantageous if that list isn't huge .

@Echo Off

Set "proxlist=proxies.txt"

For /F "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%a In ('FindStr/N "^" "%proxlist%"') Do (
    Set "line[%%a]=%%b"
    Set "total=%%a"

Call :SetRand

Call :SetRand

Call :SetRand

Timeout -1

Set/A "rand=(%RANDOM%%%total)+1"
Call Set "randline=%%line[%rand%]%%"

Whenever you need another random line just call the section of your script which does that and return to the point just after the Call command.

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