Say I have this program It prints to stdout and stderr to produce: I would like to execute inside another python script, ...
Say I have this program It prints to stdout and stderr to produce: I would like to execute inside another python script, ...
I have a file 'data.dat' with 26 hex byte values: 22 49 E1 09 62 18 42 8C 66 10 B0 11 84 9C 00 FF E0 40 1F F8 60 07 FE 2C 03 FF I am trying to read ...
I have a python function and want to run it as a separate process with multiprocessing package. afterward running it as a separate process with the ...
I have two files I'm working with, and I've experimented but when I remove the use "std::io::Write" from main. ...
I am making a small-scale project which reads from a file of 101 items, creates a vector of strings, and then randomly accesses one of the items and p ...
I'm writing a program that should work like the following unix command: seq 2 number | awk argument | grep argument When I run the following code w ...
Since using something like this \x1b[38;2;255;242;0m to change the color for each character makes printing to console really slow, something around 2– ...
I am implementing log4j2 in my java application where I trying to write data to console using log4j2 configuration file. I have created a jar called I ...
Suppose that a function contains a lot of print-statements. I want to capture all of those print statements in a string, or save them to text file. ...
UPDATE Thanks a lot for the answers and comments. Thanks to @Fravadona for the help I managed to copy it and change a few things. This is the actual ...
I have multiple subprocesses (opened with subprocess.Popen) continuously writing lots of short lines to stdout (several MB/s). Sometimes, I guess when ...
I want to decalre on 2d array, but I want to put a vrailbe into the declartaion try to iterate over arr in ,didnt get the /opt/fw1 , instead I got ...
I am trying to capture output of my Qt application but without success. (I am calling an external lib that outputs to console, and I want to show this ...
I have a subprocess that generate images. A main programe will consume images. My plan is to launch subprocess, monitor it. Once there are several im ...
I am trying to write a function in C that checks the presence of stdin using poll() Here fds.fd=0 refers to file descriptor for STDIN. = ...
Hellow exports. I am new to python. and to explain my problem I simply the script. I built 2 python files. The first one is like the below file name ...
So when trying to use the stdin/stdout/stderr streams in a Windows GUI app, one typically has to call AllocConsole (or AttachConsole) in order to init ...
I am working on a project that involves manually mapping and executing a PE inside of the project process. The main project whose code I am using as a ...
Let's assume we already have a project where there is a main crate which depends on many other crates (some from and some other local). And ...
I have ansible playbook, where I am getting output from loop. But the output all in one line. name: Output the results debug: msg="{{ mq_channel_o ...