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How to get a textfield value from a ionic2 framework alert box?

How do I get the textfield value from a ionic2 framework alert box?


 <ion-item ('click')="enterPwd();">Admin</ion-item>


enterPwd() { 
    let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: 'Enter 4 digit PIN',
        inputs: [{name:'PIN',placeholder:'pin',type:'password'}],
        buttons: [{
            handler: data => {
                console.log('Done clicked');
                //pin entered should be displayed in console.. 

When an item is clicked, enterPwd will be called, showing the alert. When the user enters their PIN, I wish it to display in the console.

You need to set the name of the text input and access with it. Your inputs is:


In your handler,

handler: data => {
                console.log('Done clicked');
               //TO DISPLAY PIN

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