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ionic2 AlertController, how to return the buttons clicked value from method

I m fairly new in Typescript , I have following code in provider

confirm(message, title=""){
        let confirm = this.alertCtrl.create({
            title: title || "Please confirm",
            message: message,
            buttons: [
                  text: 'Yes',
                  handler: () => {
                    return true;
                  text: 'No',
                  handler: () => {
                    return false;



There is a button in a page, which calls a function deleteItems

    this.popup.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item");
    if(this.popup.isTrue == true){
          //delete items


I want the confirm method to return true or false depending upon the button "Yes" or "No" clicked.

Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?

Both buttons take a handler each. I would use the handlers to set a .

Define arrow functions

onYesHandler = ()=>{
   this.a = true;

onNoHandler = () =>{
   this.a = false;

let confirm function take the handlers along with message:

confirm(message, yesHandler,noHandler,title=""){
        let confirm = this.alertCtrl.create({
            title: title || "Please confirm",
            message: message,
            buttons: [
                  text: 'Yes',
                  handler: yesHandler
                  text: 'No',
                  handler: noHandler


call the confirm function:

this.popup.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item",this.onYesHandler,this.onNoHandler);

You can do it as shown below.

Note: Creating an UI related things with Provider is treated as Anti-Pattern on Ionic2.Because provider is to handle service related use cases.Keep that in mind too.

Would you like to see the alternative? Please see 2nd Method of my answer here . In other words you can use a base class for handling it.



    confirm(message, title=""){
            let confirm = this.alertCtrl.create({
                title: title || "Please confirm",
                message: message,
                buttons: [
                      text: 'Yes',
                       handler: data => {
                      text: 'No',
                     handler: data => {


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