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Angular Material md-select default selected value

I am using Angular 2 with Angular Material . Looking at the documentation, I am trying to get the select to have a default value as oppose to an empty place holder.

I have tried the following two options and both of them does not set a default value

<md-select selected="1">
  <md-option value="1" >One</md-option>
  <md-option value="2">Two</md-option>

  <md-option value="1" selected="true">One</md-option>
  <md-option value="2">Two</md-option>

I looked at all the documentations and the examples, none of them helped.

Use [(ngModel)] :

<mat-select [(ngModel)]="selectedOption">
  <mat-option value="1">One</mat-option>
  <mat-option value="2">Two</mat-option>


selectedOption = '1';


Edit #1:

Since Material2.0.0#beta10 (specifically this PR ) you can select a value using the value property of MatSelect :

<mat-select [value]="selectedOption">
  <mat-option value="1">One</mat-option>
  <mat-option value="2">Two</mat-option>


selectedOption = '1';

Note that you can also use it with two-way data binding -> [(value)] .


 <mat-select [value]="0" >


According to documentation you can do by the following way.


<md-select value={{ defaultValue }}>
  <md-option value="{{ defaultValue }}">{{defaultValue}}</md-option>
  <md-option value="1">One</md-option>
  <md-option value="1">One</md-option>
  <md-option value="2">Two</md-option>


<md-select value="None">
  <md-option value="None">None</md-option>
  <md-option value="1">One</md-option>
  <md-option value="1">One</md-option>
  <md-option value="2">Two</md-option>

It must any value of select dropdown. Else it will not work.

<mat-select formControlName="timezone" required [(ngModel)]="selectedOption">
      <mat-option *ngFor="let item of array" [value]="item.value">{{item.name}}</mat-option>

for correct working need binding of value [value] or it don't work

If you are using Reactive Forms, you can do it this way:

In your template:

   <mat-select [formControlName]="'sex'" #sexField>
      <mat-option value="2">Masculino</mat-option>
      <mat-option value="1">Femenino</mat-option>
      <mat-option value="3">Otro</mat-option>

and in your component:

form: FormGroup;
constructor(private _formBuilder: FormBuilder) {

ngOnInit() {

    this.form = this._formBuilder.group({        
        sex: ['2'], // set default option           

    if (weAreEditing) {
        this.form.controls['sex'].setValue(edit.sex.id + ''); // set the option that you want


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