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I want to get user id in laravel 5.3 controller with Auth::user()->id but it creates error their

I have created a points table and there users points will be debited credited. the structure is like following. id userid p_add p_less description created_at updated_at 1 9 3000 0 purchased -time- -time- 2 9 0 300 expend -time- -time-

and I am using following controller code.

public function account_page(){

    $points = Points::select(DB::raw("sum(p_add)-sum(p_less)  as Total"))->where('user_id', 9)->first();

    return view('mop.account-page', array('points'=>$points));

so in view page named as account page result is correctly displayed as I want. But this query is getting user_id as a static value. I want it dynamically. So if I put Auth::user()->id in the place of 9 nothing is displayed even I have used use Auth; at top. Help me to get net points from database with dynamic user_id in query.

Firstly lets hope you have a users table with the primary key id and a modal associated with it in your project. Try to use use Illuminate\\Support\\Facades\\Auth; then

// This will check if user is logged in..
if (Auth::check()) {

       $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
       $points = Points::select(DB::raw("sum(p_add)-sum(p_less)  as Total"))->where('user_id', $user_id)->first();

       return view('mop.account-page', array('points'=>$points));
    } else {
        return redirect('somewhere'); // or return anything you want

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