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angular rounding down(always down, never up) number only if decimal is incredibly small

I am displaying dimensions for ad to be published in newspaper, the height / width seems to use millimetres with incredibly small decimals like x.0002mm, I want numbers to be rounded down (always down, never up) to the nearest whole mm?
For example,
Input -> height: 380.0002mm width: 262.0002mm
expected Output-> height: 380mm width: 262mm

I already tried .toFixed() , but it is not working for large decimal inputs
For example,
sample Input -> height: 380.1252mm width: 262.6592mm
expected Output-> height: 380.1252mm width: 262.6592mm

I want number to be round down only if decimal number is very small for ex: 380.0002, I want to avoid rounding down if decimal number is greater, for ex: 380.1252

Check this link, Formatting numbers for decimals

 var number = 380.0002 number.toPrecision(6) //returns 380.000 (padding) number.toPrecision(4) //returns 380.0 (round up) number.toPrecision(3) //returns 380 Math.floor(380.0002) //returns 380 

This should work for you

function decimalPlaces(num) {
 var match = (''+num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);
 if (!match) { return 0; }
 return Math.max(
   // Number of digits right of decimal point.
   (match[1] ? match[1].length : 0)
   // Adjust for scientific notation.
   - (match[2] ? +match[2] : 0));

var length = (num + '').replace('.', '').length;  // for floats
if (num.toPrecision(length).includes(".00")){
num = Math.floor(num);

 var dec = decimalPlaces(num);
 num = num.toFixed(dec);

And BTW Credit for decimalPlaces() function: Javascript: How to retrieve the number of decimals of a string number?

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