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Why aren't the 2nd and 3rd requests for the same image cached?

The original website isn't caching html, css, or images the way I think it should. The results from google chrome har for just a single image while requesting different pages on the website are below. It is part of a larger browsing of a website trying to figure out why the browser thinks it should be cached but the browser is re-requested from server. I removed all har not specificially related to this image.

I don't have any cache-killer or cache-disabler on. I even went to relatively clean computer to make sure there weren't any dev tools installed that might mess with the cache.

All the request/response headers from the first request appear to imply that the 2nd and 3rd requests should not make re-requests but come from browser local cache.

What am I missing?

    "startedDateTime": "2017-02-10T21:21:44.273Z",
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In fact Chrome does served responses to second and third requests from cache. You need to look at entry.response.bodySize property.

Relevant excerpt from HAR specification :

bodySize [number] - Size of the received response body in bytes. Set to zero in case of responses coming from the cache (304). Set to -1 if the info is not available.

There is also interesting HAR Viewer GitHub issue . They use function below to determine whether response to request was served from cache:

HarModel.isCachedEntry = function(entry) {
  var response = entry.response;
  var resBodySize = response.bodySize > 0 ? response.bodySize : 0;
  return (response.status == 304 || (resBodySize === 0 && response.content && response.content.size > 0));

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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