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C# interface in IronPython

I am trying to implement a C# interface in IronPython but am having some trouble. I've done this before with another C# interface but have come across another one which I've not been able to resolve how to subclass in IronPython to use it successfully, here it is:

The C# interface that I want to implement in IronPython:

using System;
namespace Accord.Math.Random

    public interface IRandomNumberGenerator
        float Mean
        float Variance
        float Next();
        void SetSeed(int seed);

Here is what I have done before successfully in the past:

C# interface to implement

using System;
namespace Accord.Genetic
    public interface IFitnessFunction
        double Evaluate(IChromosome chromosome);

IronPython implementation:

class FitnessFunction(AG.IFitnessFunction):
    def Evaluate(self, chromosome):
        #some fitness calculation using chromosome
        return Fitness

Any help would be so much appreciated!

I sorted it out! I figured that the interface in this instance was actually calling some other methods in the Accord.Math.Random namespace, so I went looking for which methods these were.

I also ended up using a more updated version of the IRandomNumberGenerator interface, which was IRandomNumberGenerator[T]

Heres the C# version

using System;
namespace Accord.Math.Random
    public interface IRandomNumberGenerator<T>
        T[] Generate(int samples);
        T[] Generate(int samples, T[] result);
        T Generate();

Heres the working IronPython version

class RandomNumberGenerator(AM.Random.IRandomNumberGenerator[System.Double]):
    def __init__(self):
        self.actual = AM.Random.ZigguratUniformOneGenerator()
    def Generate(self):
        return self.actual.Generate()
    def Generate(self, samples):
        return self.actual.Generate(samples)
    def Generate(self, samples, result):
        return self.actual.Generate(samples, result)

I've so far been able to use it for my purposes. If anyone notices any issues in the code or knows of a more proper implementation, please post!


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