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How can I select an image from another folder?

I have two folders in the root folder ( Admin and Users ). Now I'm working on a file in the Users folder, and want to display user's details when they login. The images were saved in the Admin folder, so how do I call the image from the Admin folder for it to be displayed on a page in the Users folder?

This is what I tried, but it didn't work:

<img SRC="/Admin/images/<?php echo $user_pic ; ?>" class="img-rounded" />

I also tried with two dots in front of admin but that didn't work either. Any ideas?

Let's look at the following file tree.


If you are in root, and want to access an image inside the admins folder, path would either be


Or a relative path


If you are in the admin folder, wanting to acres the users folder, you need to backtrack folders. You can do this by doing ../


This would go to root and then users.

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