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Gradle build failed on Travis CI

I used filteringCharset = 'UTF-8' because of encoding problems in ProcessResources in build.gradle . This build succeeded on my desktop, but failed on Travis CI. I guess this is the problem with Travis CI's Gradle. So I tried to update the version but could not find any information. Is this the problem with the Gradle version? If yes, what can I do?

Travis build error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/home/travis/build/EntryPointKR/K-Security/build.gradle' line: 43
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'K-Security'.
> No such property: filteringCharset for class: org.gradle.language.jvm.tasks.ProcessResources_Decorated

Full travis build log: https://travis-ci.org/EntryPointKR/K-Security/builds/201771722


language: java
sudo: false
  - oraclejdk8
      - oracle-java8-installer

Problem code in build.gradle

processResources {
    filteringCharset = 'UTF-8' // Here
    filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
            "version"   : project.version,
            "pluginName": rootProject.name,
            "mainClass" : "cloud.swiftnode.ksecurity.KSecurity",
            "author"    : "EntryPoint"

This is very likely due to a mismatch between your gradle version and the gradle version installed in the java image. It was introduced in Gradle 2.14 . The easiest fix is to use gradle wrapper to enforce the same version in both environments.

Simply add the wrapper task:

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '3.3'

It should be possible to run gradle wrapper in before_install , or simply bundle the gradle-wrapper jar with your project. Travis CI will detect gradle wrapper and use gradlew instead of gradle .

If you are using Windows on your local machine, make sure you commit the gradlew script with executable flag .

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