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Permission denied in Apache instead of 777

I am having a hard time deploying a PHP website built using Grav on CentOS.

Whenever I try to open the website I get 500 Server Error. The logs say:

Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Creating directory '/var/www/html/glug_site/cache//compiled/files' failed on error mkdir(): Permission denied' in /var/www/html/glug_site/vendor/rockettheme/toolbox/File/src/File.php:420\nStack trace:\...

I followed the guide mentioned here but it didn't helped.

Then, I did chmod 777 -R glug_nith/ but still it doesn't work. I even logged into apache user using sudo -u apache bash to see if I am able to create folders and files inside myapp and I was successful. I tried deleting the .htaccess file to see if that would help but it didn't.

I cannot understand instead of having all the permission why its showing permission denied. Also I couldn't find any thing that might be blocking the permission. Please help.

try uncommenting the 12th line in ur .htaccess file

Modify this

# RewriteBase /


RewriteBase /

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