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Limit input rows with LOAD DATA INFILE in MySQL

So, here is my question. I have csv file with 130.000 rows (give or take) and I was wondering if it is possible to somehow limit input to only first two rows? I did manage to successfully import file using this block of code:

$sql = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'http://localhost/00_VJEZBA/ROK_DEUTCH/csv/wlan_search.txt'
INTO TABLE `test_rok`

$db = connectPDO();

$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);


and adding

[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => true] into my connection

and as I said, it works fine but I was wondering is it possible to somehow limit input data? I've read somewhere that it can't be done with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE what's my alternative on that matter?

I had a similar case only I needed to test a load of a file with about 3 million records. Using Ajay's comment above, I did "more filename.txt", copied 5 records and pasted into a test file then loaded that. +1 Ajay.

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